5000 Graft Hair Transplant

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Many people who do not have dense and voluminous hair are turning to the increasingly popular 5000 graft hair transplant treatment. In hair transplant treatment, hair grafts taken from a suitable donor area are transplanted to the area with hair loss. After choosing a hair transplant method with a specialized doctor, patients wonder about the number of grafts that should be used. The necessary number of grafts varies according to the severity of your hair loss and the desired hair density. While 2000 to 3000 grafts are sufficient in a standard hair transplant treatment, 5000 grafts are required in cases of hair loss such as Norwood type 4 and 5. These procedures vary according to the individual.


Am I a Candidate for 5000 Graft Hair Transplant?

If you suffer from severe hair loss, you may need a large number of grafts. The 5000 graft hair transplant procedure, which is among the hair transplant procedures, is recommended for people who experience baldness, intense hair loss, and sparse hair problems. 5000 graft hair transplant is also known as a mega session. Since this treatment method is more complex than hair transplant procedures where 2000-4000 hair grafts are implanted, it is not suitable for every patient. To perform the treatment, a sufficient number of healthy hair grafts are required from the donor area. After consulting with a specialized doctor, the most natural-looking hair transplant suitable for your age and face shape is decided upon.

Is 5000 Grafts Enough?

Even if you have unlimited hair follicles, more than 5000 grafts are not ideal. There is a risk of necrosis with excess grafts. Necrosis refers to irreversibly damaged cells, either singly or in groups.

5000 Graft Hair Transplant

How is 5000 Graft Hair Transplant Applied?

After deciding on the hair transplant technique with your doctor:

  1. The donor area is shaved.
  2. Local anaesthesia is applied to minimize pain during the procedure.
  3. Hair grafts are manually or with a punch tool collected by expert surgeons. The collected grafts are stored in a medical environment to maintain their vitality.
  4. Micro channels are made in the transplant area as the grafts will be placed into the channels. Channels are not required with the DHI method.
  5. Hair grafts are placed with attention to the angle of implantation. The extraction area is then bandaged to prevent any infection, and the surgical operation is completed. To achieve good results, it is essential to follow the postoperative care instructions provided by the doctor.

How Many Sessions are Needed for 5000 Grafts?

Hair transplant treatments are applied with techniques such as FUE and DHI, and the number of sessions can vary depending on the individual. While the procedure may be completed in a few sessions, it can also be completed in a single session in some cases. However, performing the procedure in a single session is not recommended. If deemed appropriate by the doctor, a single session may be applied, which should be performed by expert surgeons and technicians due to the procedure’s length and exhaustion. Performing the procedure in intervals is suggested to ensure proper and dense hair growth and to minimize the risk factor.

How Long Does 5000 Graft Hair Transplant Take?

The duration of hair transplant is crucial for patients. Some patients may need to return to work immediately, while others may have come from abroad to have hair transplant. 5000 graft hair transplants, which takes longer than standard hair transplant operations, is a minimally painful procedure that takes an average of 7-9 hours to complete.

How Many Hair Strands Does 5000 Grafts Equal to?

Hair grafts contain different numbers of hair strands, such as single, double, and triple strands. During the hair transplant, grafts are separated according to the number of hair strands and implanted appropriately. On average, 5000 grafts equal 9000 to 11100 hair strands, depending on the quality of hair follicles in the donor area.

What is the Price of 5000 Graft Hair Transplant?

Before obtaining information about the price, it is necessary to have a doctor’s examination for a 5000 graft hair transplant. Prices vary according to the individual’s hair structure, desired density, and number of grafts. Therefore, a consultation is required to obtain information about the price.


5000 Graft Hair Transplant
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