When Can I Have a Second Hair Transplant?

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25% of men, or a quarter, are affected by hair loss or baldness. In fact, 31% of men experience a baldness problem after the age of 65. In addition to men, women can also suffer from hair loss, but the percentage is very low (between 2 and 3%). However, to remedy this problem, there are currently effective surgical methods: hair transplants. The latter is used to transplant hair on areas that are bald. How many times can a hair transplant be done? How many grafts should be transplanted? How many sessions are needed? When can I have a second hair transplant?

In most cases, the answer is yes, you can perform a second hair transplant. In fact, the procedure can be repeated several times – the average is 2-4 surgeries over a lifetime.

At the same time, this number is influenced by the quality of the donor area and the number of hairs removed during each procedure. In this post we examine when a second procedure might be needed, how long to wait between the two procedures, and how repeated procedures affect the donor area.


When do you need a second hair transplant?

In one hair transplant session, approximately 6,000 hairs can be safely harvested during a 2-day procedure.

This number ensures that the harvested grafts do not spend too much time outside the body. In addition, it keeps the amount of medication needed within safe limits, and allows for greater comfort for patients during the procedure.

Depending on the severity of the baldness, it may happen that one hair transplant is not enough. In these cases, the procedure must be repeated to achieve the desired coverage. A second hair transplant may also be necessary years after the first procedure, if hair loss continues.

Although baldness is partly hereditary, there are many factors that can affect it. Hormonal imbalances, stress, certain medications, our lifestyle and other factors can affect hair loss. While there are cases where hair loss is slow and gradual, there are other cases where it is more periodic.

Since hair loss cannot be anticipated, the doctors’ goal is to achieve the best possible result with the current procedure while preserving the donor area for future treatments.

How long should you wait before a second hair transplant?

You can enjoy the results of your hair transplant for years before the natural hair loss starts again. In these cases, 3-5-10 years may pass before a second hair transplant is necessary.

However, due to the severity of the baldness or if the loss continues, the next procedure may be required sooner. In such cases, doctors typically advise waiting about 12 months between the two operations.

The two most important factors that influence the exact length of this period are:

The area to be implanted

The implanted hair grows back in 12-15 months after the procedure. Therefore, it is best to wait at least a year if you wish to increase the density in the same area, or if you wish to treat a section that touches the previously implanted area.

First, waiting a year allows the doctor to see the implanted hair during the first transplant, ensuring that he or she does not damage the hair that has not yet grown back.

Second, it allows the surgeon to consider the entire look, and better plan the distribution of the hair.

The recommended waiting period may be shorter if the second procedure is to be performed on a different part of the scalp.

Hair loss

If hair loss starts again after the transplant, you should wait until it stops. This will help you find the most optimal hair distribution during your second transplant that will give you the best long-term result.

How do repeated procedures affect the donor area?

The number of hairs we can transplant – and the number of procedures we can perform – varies. The options are always determined by the density and size of the donor area.

In each case, the donor area has a certain limit; a limited number of hairs can be removed. Each hair transplant will decrease the number of hairs in the donor area, and thus its density.

This is one of the most important reasons why you must choose your surgeon and hair transplant method carefully. A higher success rate means not only that more transplanted hair grows back, but also that less hair is “wasted.

With the ideal technique in the right hands, excessive harvesting can be avoided from the donor area, and doctors do not remove more hair than is necessary for the best result.

With the FUE2 SafeSystem method, approximately 95% of the transplanted hair grows back after the hair transplant. Of course, correct post-operative follow-up is also crucial to achieving this success rate.

One of the best features of the FUE2 SafeSystem method is that it leaves no visible scars. The small residual spots are less than 1 mm in diameter, so even short hair provides decent coverage. In addition, during each procedure, the hair is extracted in a uniform manner, using the entire donor area.

As a result, the hair on the back and sides of the head will have a lower density – but its appearance will be natural, and it will be spotless.


Hair transplantation offers a permanent solution for hair loss. However, in most cases, achieving or maintaining a beautiful final result is a process. Thus, a second hair transplant may be necessary over the years.

The number of hairs available for repeat procedures and the time the patient must wait between the two sessions vary considerably. In addition to the result of the previous procedure(s) and the area to be implanted, it is important to consider whether hair loss is ongoing. Due to the nature of baldness, it is difficult to predict how many procedures will be necessary in the future.

However, due to the limitations of the donor area, the hair transplant can be repeated 2-4 times during the patient’s lifetime. It is vital to perform the hair transplant in a way that offers the best result under the current conditions, preserving the donor area as much as possible.

When Can I Have a Second Hair Transplant?
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